About Me

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British Columbia, Canada
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The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. ... Albert Einstein

I'm a creative. I don't know how to be anything else. Everything I see, hear, smell is fuel for my muse. I've had several careers, but was never content until I found my niche.

Now, I run a home-based studio, FyreWork Designs where I freelance as a photographer, writer and designer. I wear many hats, but love what I do. I enjoy working in variety of artistic venues: digital alchemy, multi-media as well as mixed media. I often use my photography as a springboard to create fanciful images.

You'll find variety here, complete with comments as the muse sees fit. You've been warned ;-)

Oh, and in case you didn't know ... I'm a cancer survivor. Every day I wake up, I've survived!


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Monday, October 11, 2010

Time to Give Thanks ...

"If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is 'thank you', that would suffice."
.... Meister Eckhart

Today is Thanksgiving. And I’m searching through misty tears to find what I am grateful for. I have to claw past the heartache to find it. So what am I grateful for?

I’m grateful I’m not on the streets. I’m grateful for the love and loyalty of my eldest daughter. I’m grateful for my friends. I’m grateful that I am getting better ... I hope. And I’m grateful for finally having had the courage to shut the door on those that have damaged me beyond repair.

Since this is a time for looking at the positive things in our life, I will stop here. Tomorrow, I will pick the reins back up.
See more beautiful pictures at Today's Flowers and MellowYellowBadge


Ewa said...

if you like taking photos and flowers why not join Flowers on Saturday photo challange:)

~Visions~ said...

Thanks, Ewa ... I will!!

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